خمس بدائل ممكن تستخدمها بدل كلمة (SO لذلك)
1- That means
It's sunny! That means we can go to the beach.
It's sunny! So we can go to the beach.
الجو مشمس، (هذا يعني أنه / لذلك) يمكننا الذهاب إلى الشاطئ
2- And now
I got up early, and now I'm really tired.
I got up early, So I'm really tired.
لقد استيقظتُ مبكرًا، (والآن / لذلك) أنا مرهقٌ جدًا.
3- Because of that
There was an accident and because of that, I was late.
There was an accident, so I was late.
وقعت حادثة (وبسبب ذلك / ولذلك) تأخرتُ.
4- Which made
He shouted at me, which made me angry.
لقد صرخ في وجهي (مما جعلني / ولذلك جعلني / وهذا ما جعلني) غاضبًا
5 - As a result
He took too many loans and as a result, he went bankrupt.
لقد أخذ الكثير من القروض، (ونتيجة لذلك / ولذلك) أعلن إفلاسه