Past Simple Tense
يستخدم الماضي البسيط :
للتعبير عن حدث انتهي في وقت معين في الماضي:
· I visited
my aunt last week.
· The ancient Egyptians invented
a way of writing.
2- للتعبير عن موقف أو عادة في الماضي:
· When
I was on holiday, I went to the sea every day.
3- لحكاية قصة في الماضي:
· He went
home. It was very dark. He suddenly heard a strange
4- في حالة IF
· If he knew
the truth, he wouldn't believe it.
5- أحداث متتالية:
· First he saw
the film. Then he had dinner and went to bed.
يستخدم الماضي البسيط غالبا مع كلمات مثل:
(year, night, week, month / summer) / ago / yesterday
in ancient times / once
upon a time / the other day, year (= a few days years ago)/ in 2000 / in the
past/ from (2006) to (2008)/one day
How long ago
· How much bread did you buy yesterday?
(في حالة السؤال – لاحظ الفعل في المصدر)
· I didn’t
know him then. (في حالة النفي)
¨ الماضي البسيط في
المبني للمجهول:
Was / were + PP
He wrote the letter a few days ago.
The letter was written a few days ago.
Used to +
inf. تستخدم
هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن الماضي: ¨
§I used
to play tennis, but now I play football.
حالة النفي :
Didn't use to + inf.
He didn’t use to smoke, but now he does.
حالة السؤال :
Did +
فاعل +
use to + inf. ..?
§Did she use
to cry a lot when she was a baby?
الصيغة التالية للتعبير عن المضارع:
am / is / are used to + -ing
§ He is used to having
a cup of coffee every morning.
= He usually
has a cup of coffee every morning.
حالة السؤال:
Am / Is / Are + فاعل
+ used to + V-ing. ..?
§ Is she used
to living on her own?
¨تستخدم no longer بدلا من
used to
ويأتي بعدها الفعل في المضارع البسيط:
¨ تستخدم
any more / any longer بدلا من used to
نفى الفعل في المضارع البسيط و تأتى في نهاية الجملة:
§ He used
to stay up late. = He no longer stays up late.
§ He used
to live here. = He doesn’t live here any
§ He is
used to the cold weather.
في الجملة السابقة أنه يمكن استخدام اسم أو ضمير بعد :be
used to
أنbe used to تأتى بمعني " يستخدم لكي
" ويليها inf. ويمكن استخدام be used for
+ v +ing بنفس المعني
§ Water
is used to generate electricity.
§ Water
is used for generating electricity.
am / is / are used to + -ing = am / is / are in the habit of + ing
is in the habit of borrowing money from others.
= He is
used to borrowing money from others.
used to + inf. = was / were in the habit of + ing
used to sleep in class.
= She was in the habit of sleeping
in class.
Continuous Tense
Was / Were +
V-ing يتكون من
¨ يستخدم الماضي
المستمر past
continuous :
للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمر أثناء وقت معين في الماضي :
Between seven
and half past seven this morning, I was reading the
6 o'clock yesterday, I was studying my lesson.
2- للتعبير عن حدث مستمر في الماضي قطعه حدث آخر :
I was having a shower
when the phone rang.
يستخدم الماضي المستمر غالبا مع كلمات مثل: While
/ when / As / Just as
· While we were doing
the homework, it started to rain.
· We were doing
the homework when it started to rain.
§ لاحظ أن
when يمكن أن يأتي بعدها ماضي بسيط :
We were doing
the homework when the storm started.
§ يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع while في
الماضي المستمر :
While I was
studying, my father was reading.
§يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع when في
الماضي البسيط :
When he arrived
, he found the door locked.
§ يمكن استخدام On بدلا من when و
يأتي يعدها : V+ ing
· When he arrived
, he found the door locked. = On arriving, he found
the door locked.
§ يمكن استخدام during بدلا
من while و يأتي يعدها
noun :
· While
he was playing the game, he got hurt. (during)
· During the game, he
got hurt.
· He got hurt during
the game.
§ الفعل بعد
and يأخذ
نفس شكل الفعل الذي يسبقها:
· He
was writing a letter and listening to some music.
§ لاحظ عدم استخدام to Be في الماضي المستمر:
· While I was
at school, I worked to a plan.
¨ الماضي المستمر في
المبني للمجهول :
Was / were being + PP
·He was writing the
·The letter was being written.
The Past Perfect Tense
:had + PP يتكون
من : ¨
يستخدم الماضي التام ليصف حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر في الماضي:
¨When I got
home, my mother had finished cooking.
= First my mother finished cooking. Then I
arrived home.
Notice the
difference between this pair of sentence:
¨When I arrived
at the station, the train left..
= I arrived, then the train left.
¨When I arrived
at the station, the train had left.
= The train left before I arrived.
2- يستخدم الماضي
التام غالبا مع كلمات مثل:
after /
before / when / as soon as / no sooner / till / until
After ماضي تام ماضي
As soon as
● As soon as I had seen her, I
knew there was something wrong.
●After he had
read the report, he went to bed.
¨لاحظ أنه يمكن أيضا استخدام الماضي البسيط بدلا من
الماضي التام بعد after/as soon
as :
¨As soon as I saw the robber, I
tried to catch him.
أن after / before / when / as soon as
يمكن أن تأتي في وسط الجملة أو بدايتها:
¨Before he saw
the film, he tidied/had tidied the room.
¨He tidied
/ had tidied the room before he saw the film.
¨لاحظ استخدام comma بين الجملتين إذا بدأت الجملة بالروابط السابقة:
After/As soon as + فاعل + ماضي تام = Having + PP
After/As soon as he had done/ = Having done
● He worked in a restaurant after he had
left school.
school, he worked in a restaurant.
● As soon as we had arrived,
we phoned our parents.
Having arrived, we phoned our
حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد after
/ before / when نستخدم v.+ing:
Before + v.+ing
¨يمكن استخدام اسم بعد after / before:
● After
his father's death, he left the country.
= After his father had died, he left
the country.
¨ لاحظ
استخدام by the time في الماضي:
By the time + ماضي بسيط ماضي تام
● The phone was ringing but by the time she got
indoors, it had stopped.
¨بصفة عامة عندما يكون الفعلان مع when في الماضي البسيط فان الفعل الذي يليها هو الذي
حدث أولا:
● When the play ended, the
audience went home.
● When he opened the
window, the bird flew out.
¨أحيانا تستخدم on بدلا من when ويأتي بعدها الفعل مضافا له : ing
● When she saw the snake,
she screamed.
On seeing the snake, she screamed.
Before + ماضي بسيط
● First he passed the test.
Then he got the license.
Before he got
the license, he had passed the test.
بسيط منفى + till / until ماضي تام
¨تأتي till/
until في
وسط الجملة و قبلها الماضي البسيط (غالبا منفي) و بعدها الماضي التام:
¨Before he left,
I had given him permission.
He didn’t
leave until I had given him permission.
¨After she had
typed the letter, she posted it.
She didn’t
post the letter until she had typed it.
¨لا يكون الماضي البسيط قبل till/until دائما منفي بل قد تكون الجملة أحيانا مثبتة :
¨He stayed in bed until half past nine.
¨ أحيانا
يستخدم الماضي التام بعد because
بشرط أن تكون الجملة في الماضي والحدث بعد because هو الذي حدث أولا:
¨Because he had
been in prison, employers were unwilling to offer
him a job.
¨ He looked
tired yesterday because he had slept badly the
night before.
¨ Leila was
late for school because the bus had broken down.
¨He was
angry because she had insulted him.
¨يستخدم الماضي التام مع
الكلمات الدالة علي المضارع التام إذا كان في الجملة ماضي
for / ever
/ never / already / yet / just
§ The film has
already started. (present perfect)
¨في الجملة السابقة استخدمنا المضارع التام لوجود فعل
واحد مع already:
§ The film had
already started when I arrived. (past perfect)
¨ ولاحظ الفرق أيضا بين الجملتين الآتيتين:
The man sitting next to me on the
plane is nervous. He has never flown
The man sitting next to me on the
plane was nervous. He had never flown before.
More Examples:
§ When I met him, he hadn't
finished his homework yet.
§ When I arrived home,
my father had just left.
§ It was the best novel I had
ever read.
§ The house was dirty. They hadn't
cleaned it yet.
¨لاحظ ما يلي:
¨Before that + ماضي تام ¨After that + ماضي بسيط
§He went back home. Before that, he had
finished his job.
§ She had seen the film. After that, she went
to bed.
¨ويستخدم الماضي التام أيضا في غير المباشر:
¨She said she had
seen the film the night before.
¨وهذه الجملة كانت أصلا ماضي بسيط في المباشر وحولناه إلي
الماضي التام في غير المباشر:
¨She said,
"I saw the film last night."
استخدام الماضي التام بعد By then/By+time ومعناها قبل ذلك الوقت:
¨He arrived home at 11 o'clock yesterday. By then, the rain
had stopped.
¨By 2010, the project had been completed.
الماضي التام بعد wish
للتعبير عن التمني في الماضي:
¨I wish I had worked harder last year.
الماضي التام أيضا بعد if في الحالة الثالثة:
¨If she hadn't called, I wouldn't have known.
استخدام الماضي التام مع التعبيرات الآتية:

¨As soon as he had
paid his debts, he left the town.
It was only when he had
paid his debts that he left the town.

¨She didn't
leave until she had got permission
It wasn't until she had
got permission that she left.
استخدام الماضي التام مع:
sooner than
فاعل + had
+ hardly + PP when + ماضي بسيط
Scarcely when
She left the house. She was run over by a car.
She had
no sooner left the house than she was run
over by a car.
He entered the office. His boss shouted at him.
He had hardly entered the
office when his boss shouted at him.
إذا بدأت الجملة بإحدى الكلمات السابقة ، تكون الجملة علي شكل سؤال:
left the house. She was run over by a car.
No sooner had
she left the house than she was run
over by a car.
¨وفي حالة المبني للمجهول نستخدم:
Had been + PP
¨He said that he had cleaned the room.
He said that the room had been cleaned.